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» Best Sitting Posture at a Computer
Best Sitting Posture at a Computer

Working from home? Prioritize Your Body's Well-being! 

As remote work becomes more prevalent, it's crucial to maintain good posture while tackling your tasks. The difference between a painful or pain-free day often lies in your posture!

Best Sitting Posture at a ComputerGood Posture is Important

  • It keeps the bones and the joints in a correct alignment, ensuring that all of your work well together.
  • Good posture reduces the stress put on your ligaments.
  • You don't get fatigued quickly with a good posture because you will use all your muscles efficiently.
  • It prevents muscular pain and backaches.
  • A great posture will boost your mood; sitting or standing correctly without placing extra tension on your body means your muscles work harmoniously.
  • It increases your blood flow and improves circulation increasing your energy levels and keeping them high.
  • It can help with discomfort and pain like repetitive strain injuries, pinched shoulder nerves, or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Proper Sitting Posture at a Computer

  • Head/Eyes: Your eyes should be level with the top of your computer monitor.
  • Shoulders: Relax your shoulders and be aware of them rising toward your ears or rounding forward throughout the workday.
  • Arms: Your arms should be bent 90° degrees, and the desk should be set to the height of your forearms. Let your arms rest on support rather than being held up. Also, it would be best if you weren't reaching too far for your keyboard and mouse. You should be able to control them easily with arms bent at the elbow.
  • Feet: Keep your feet flat on the floor. (no crossing ankles or legs)
  • Back: Keep your back straight. Your hips should be as close to the back of the chair as possible. Use a pillow or lumbar support for your lower back if necessary.
  • Legs: Your legs should also be 90° angle from your body.

Lastly, take lots of breaks! Every 30 minutes, get away from your computer for 1-2 minutes. Stretch, drink water, walk around the house, or do a few squats. These mini-breaks are proven to reduce pain, improve concentration, and limit fatigue.