Feeding Therapy

» Feeding Therapy

Feeding Therapy

Feeding Therapy

Occupational Therapy Approach 

Occupational therapists at Fyzical address the sensory side of feeding therapy with children from 1-20 years old. We work with children who are picky eaters due to textures, behavior management, or any other sensory perspective. Our therapists utilize an SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory Approach) to feeding, alongside behavioral approaches when applicable.

Speech Therapy Approach

Our speech-language pathologists at Fyzical treat feeding and swallowing disorders from both an oral motor and sensory approach. A disorder often associated with this is called dysphagia. 

Your child may have a feeding or swallowing problem if they:

  • arch their back or stiffen when feeding
  • cry or fuss when feeding
  • fall asleep when feeding
  • have problems breastfeeding
  • have trouble breathing while eating and drinking
  • refuse to eat or drink
  • eat only certain textures, such as soft food or crunchy food
  • take a long time to eat
  • pocket (which means to hold food in their mouth)
  • have problems chewing
  • cough or gag during meals
  • drool a lot or have liquid come out of their mouth or nose
  • get stuffy during meals
  • have a gurgly, hoarse, or breathy voice during or after meals
  • spit up or throw up a lot
  • are not gaining weight or growing

Our occupational and speech therapists work together to find the best techniques and approaches to treating so that our patients have the most success!