Vestibular Rehabilitation

» Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehabilitation

What is the vestibular system ?

The vestibular system is a main contributor to physical balance. Our vision and somatosensory (touch, pressure, pain) systems also contribute to balance, but only our inner ear manages our internal sense of position and movement.

Located in the inner ear, the system senses motion through small hairs called cilia. When we sit, stand, move, or experience motions (such as in a car) the hairs are moved. The brain receives the signals from the hairs and interprets it to understand your motion, equilibrium, and orientation in space.

The primary role of the vestibular system is to tell the brain where the head is in space. It is our internal reference for turning, tilting, and nodding. The visual and somatosensory (touch, pressure, pain) systems use external references to provide our brain with information about the movement and stability of the world around us. When working correctly, the information coming from these three systems agrees, creates a normal sense of equilibrium, and allows us to move with confidence.

When there is a dysfunction in the vestibular system, there is a disagreement in the information the brain recieves. Quite simply, the brain understands this as the sensation of vertgio or dizziness. It also creates disequilibrium and imbalance. 

How can vestibular rehabilitation help you?

Vestibular Rehabilitation is a specialized form of physical therapy that is designed to recalibrate your balance systems and reduce dizziness and disequilibrium.

At FYZICAL, we have a comprehensive program that includes assessment and evaluation programs, balance retraining, and vestibular rehabilitation. Our goal is to improve balance function and visual motor control, increase general activity levels, and help your body compensate for inner ear disorders. 

What disorders can benefit from vestibular rehabilitation?

Vestibular rehabilitation can also be useful for balance retraining for a variety of other conditions, including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and more.