
» Stimpod


Stimpod Pulsed Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Therapy

Pulsed radiofrequency therapy (PRF) is a non-invasive treatment administered with a pen-like stimulation probe on the skin and elicits a light electrical sensation. The short-burst stimulation travels along the nerve, triggering a long-lasting recovery through a metabolic biochemical cascade designed to restore natural nerve function. With PRF Therapy, we can precisely target the malfunctioning nerve without exposing other parts of the body. In contrast, the current standard of care exposes the entire body to a treatment regimen intended for one isolated biological process, therefore leaving the body at risk of systemic side effects.

A Typical Session

Our Doctor of Physical Therapy enquires about your relevant medical history, followed by your description and identification of your area of pain. Once you identify your area of pain, we locate an appropriate stimulation site and apply conductive gel to the treatment area. We find the nerve requiring treatment using the pen-like stimulation probe. This entails moving the pen around the skin surface whilst an electrical pulse is delivered. Depending on the condition, the sensation of the electrical pulses can vary from 'no sensation' to a sensation similar to a light pinprick. We rely on your feedback to find a current intensity which is most comfortable for you. Treatment typically lasts around five minutes, during which you are exposed to a sequence of light electrical impulses traveling directly and exclusively along the targeted nerve. Upon completion of the session, most patients experience significant improvement. In some cases, there can be a delayed effect and, only in isolated cases, the symptoms of the condition briefly intensify whilst the healing process starts to take effect. It is vital for you to follow our recommendation regarding follow-up sessions in order to achieve optimal restorative effects.

We accept the Care Credit credit card.