Falmouth, Maine

FYZICAL Falmouth is passionate about helping to transform healthcare from one of “sick care” to well care.
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For Referring Providers: NPI 1306522255

Welcome to FYZICAL Falmouth, ME

FYZICAL Falmouth is unlike other physical therapy centers.  Our highly skilled therapists are uniquely trained to treat various ailments, and our patients also benefit from a close working relationship with co-owner Dr. Elizabeth Pearce (an Otolaryngologist/Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist). We are a locally owned business committed to improving the health of Mainers!

At FYZICAL Falmouth, we are focused on optimal health and wellness at any age, while understanding and promoting the following key principles:

  • Mobility improves your overall health and longevity.

  • Moving without pain allows you to stay more active and improves mental health.

  • Having good balance and preventing falls is integral to your independence and safety.
  • Recovering from physical injury, surgery and concussion is important to getting back to doing the things you need to do and love to do.

  • Good hearing is associated with better mental health and less social isolation.

Our dedicated and compassionate team at FYZICAL Falmouth can help you achieve these goals through a personalized treatment program designed specifically for you. We provide comprehensive physical therapy services plus the added benefit of dizziness and balance treatment.

We aim to help ease and streamline the process for referring providers (Primary Care, Neuro and Cardiac Specialists, etc) and self-referred patients. Our goal is to make ths process as easy as posssible; referred patients do not need a confirmed or well-defined balance disorder: as their FIRST stop, we will sort it out! 

Dizziness and balance disorders, as well as hearing loss and tinnitus can be complex issues. These require specialized evaluations and treatment plans, which is what sets us apart.  Our integrated Audiology department provides hearing evaluations and hearing aid services, as well as specialized testing known as Videonystagmography (VNG) to assess inner ear function for certain balance disorders.  As part of her medical practice in Falmouth, Dr. Pearce also provides medical evaluation and treatment for various ear problems including hearing loss, tinnitus, as well as vestibular and balance disorders.

Our location in the Northgate Shopping Plaza in Portland (near the Falmouth line) is just minutes from I-95 and Rte 302, providing convenient access with ample, free parking. 

At FYZICAL Falmouth, we can help you get better and live life with less pain, better mobility and balance, and improved strength and independence.  Contact us today to experience the FYZICAL difference!

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FYZICAL® Therapy Services

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