Chronic Back Pain Treatment in Frisco, TX

» Chronic Back Pain Treatment in Frisco, TX

Chronic Back Pain Treatment in Frisco, TX

If you suffer from ongoing back pain, you know how debilitating it can be. But you don’t have to live with the pain simply. At FYZICAL Frisco Stonebrook, our physical therapists offer safe, effective treatment for chronic back pain. With hands-on manual therapy, targeted exercises, and cutting-edge technology, we can help you find lasting relief.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Chronic Back Pain

Chronic Back Pain Therapy in  Frisco TX  offers many advantages over medications and surgery for treating chronic back pain:

  • Non-Invasive: We use drug-free, hands-on techniques to treat the source of your pain without any invasive procedures.
  • Long-Term Relief: Our goal is to correct the underlying causes of your pain, not just temporarily reduce symptoms. This provides longer-lasting relief.
  • Personalized Treatment: Each treatment plan is tailored to your condition, needs, and goals. There are no pre-set protocols.
  • Addresses Whole Body: We look at your posture, movement patterns, strength imbalances, etc. to address how your whole body contributes to back pain. 
  • Functional Improvements: Our exercises and training focus on improving strength and mobility for real-world activities.

Physical Therapy Treatments for Back Pain Relief 

Our treatments are tailored to your specific back condition and needs. We commonly use:

  • Manual Joint Mobilization: Hands-on techniques restore alignment and mobility in the spine and pelvis to relieve pain.
  • Myofascial Release: This soft tissue massage technique releases tight muscles and improves mobility. 
  • Core Strengthening: Exercises strengthen the deep core muscles that stabilize the spine and pelvis.
  • Postural Training: We correct poor sitting and movement habits that strain your back.
  • Traction: Gentle, sustained pulling decompresses the spine to reduce nerve root compression.
  • McKenzie Exercises: These special back exercises centralize pain and improve mobility.
  • Ultrasound: This modality decreases inflammation and muscle spasms around the spine. 
  • Spinal Decompression: This computerized traction system reduces disc pressure.


Don’t let back pain continue to limit your quality of life. The expert physical therapists at FYZICAL Frisco Stonebrook can help you finally find relief through proven, non-invasive Back Pain Treatment in  Frisco TX. Call today to schedule an appointment.


What is physical therapy for back pain?

Physical Therapy for Back Pain Frisco TX utilizes hands-on techniques, targeted exercises, and modalities to improve mobility, strengthen muscles, reduce inflammation, and correct biomechanical imbalances contributing to back pain.

Which therapy is best for back pain? 

For most back pain sufferers, physical therapy is the best and most effective option. PT addresses the root causes of back pain without drugs or surgery.

What to expect at physical therapy for lower back pain?

Your first PT sessions will thoroughly evaluate your back mobility, strength, and pain triggers. Your therapist will then design a customized treatment plan to relieve pain and improve function.