» Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehabilitation in Garland, TX

Feeling dizzy, fall, or lightheaded often can interfere with your daily activities and life. These issues are symptoms of a problem with your vestibular system. You will need physical therapy to help you treat this problem.

Vestibular rehabilitation is a physical therapy treatment that can deal with disorders in the vestibular system. FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers - Garland, TX, can help you with balance problems. Your physical therapist will teach you exercises to help you manage your symptoms so you can return to your daily life.

How Does The Vestibular System Work?

The vestibular system is a primary contributor to physical balance. Located in the inner ear, the system senses motion when tiny hairs, called cilia, are moved by microscopic calcium crystals. When we sit, stand, move, or experience motions (such as in a car), the crystals move the hairs. The brain receives the signals from the hairs and information from the eyes and your sense of touch to interpret motion, equilibrium, and orientation in space.

To understand how vestibular rehabilitation works and the underlying corrective mechanisms, it is essential to remember that the primary role of the vestibular system is to tell the brain where the head is in space. The vestibular system is our internal reference, telling the brain how our head is oriented - up, down, tilt, etc. 

On the other hand, the visual and somatosensory (touch, pressure, pain) systems are external references, providing our brain with information about the movement and stability of the world around us. Working together and when the systems agree, it is the integration of these sensory modalities that provides us with normal equilibrium.

How Can Vestibular Rehabilitation In Garland, TX, Help You?

Vestibular rehabilitation is a form of balance retraining therapy. Over the past several years, it has emerged as an alternative treatment for patients with chronic non-resolved motion intolerance, visual sensitivity, and imbalance problems. 

The treatment can help you in the following ways;

  • Improved balance
  • Increased body strength
  • Reduced dizziness symptoms
  • Reduced risk of falling

Who could Benefit from Vestibular Therapy in Garland, TX?

Vestibular rehab in Garland may be best for you if you have any of the following conditions;

  • BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)
  • MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
  • Vestibular hypofunction: labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis
  • Migraine associated dizziness
  • Post-concussions and TBI (traumatic brain injuries)
  • Neck-related dizziness and vertigo
  • Fall risk
  • Musculoskeletal balance disorders
  • Parkinson's disease

Treatments Used In Vestibular Rehabilitation In Garland, TX

Physical therapy offers several exercises and treatments for vestibular disorders in Garland, TX. These treatments include;

Balance and Gait Training

This treatment program focuses on improving your balance and control of your feet. You will mainly carry out simple activities such as walking on uneven ground or maintaining balance in noisy environments.

Balance training is easy to do. Although you may feel the severity of your symptoms when you start the treatment, they should reduce as you progress.

Gaze Stabilization

The gaze stabilization program involves exercises that help you improve your focus. These exercises also help you prevent dizziness and blurred vision. You may have to focus on a target while moving your head or watch a moving target while staying still.

Generally, gaze stabilization exercises help you master your visual skills. They may be challenging at first. However, your physical therapist will guide you and help you improve gradually.

Habituation Exercises

Some people experience symptoms of vestibular disorders when they are exposed to specific triggers. For instance, you may feel more dizzy in a mall. 

Habituation exercises gradually expose you to these triggers and increase your endurance. These exercises start small and slowly build up until you no longer have symptoms. 

Particle Repositioning Maneuvers

This form of treatment is used for patients with BPPV. This condition occurs when tiny calcium crystals (otoconia) in your ear are lost from their usual location in the inner ear (utricle.)

Your physical therapist will use specific maneuvers to return loose calcium particles to their proper position in your ear. Doing this can get rid of your dizziness.

How Does Vestibular Rehab in Garland, TX, Go?

Balance issues affect everyone differently. Your physical therapist will assess your condition, diagnose you, and develop a tailored treatment plan. The plan will typically consist of exercises that you can do at home.

Your physical therapist will show you how to do these exercises at your convenience. The exercises typically focus on eye movement control, strengthening, and balance retraining.

As you progress through your treatment, your physical therapist will assess your progress and make necessary adjustments. 

How Are We Different From Others For Vestibular Rehabilitation?

At FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers - Garland, we have a comprehensive balance program that includes assessment and evaluation programs, balance retraining, and vestibular rehabilitation. With balance retraining and vestibular rehabilitation, we aim to improve balance function and visual motor control, increase general activity levels, and help your body compensate for inner ear disorders. We utilize a state-of-the-art balance machine, and our balance therapy programs have a 99% balance improvement success rate.

Our physical therapists use a holistic and empathetic approach when treating you. They are patient and will listen to your concerns to help you heal faster and regain function.


What Is Vestibular Rehabilitation?

Vestibular rehabilitation is a physical therapy treatment that focuses on treating the symptoms of vestibular disorders. The primary symptoms of this disorder include vertigo, nausea, dizziness, and postural instability. Your physical therapist will develop an exercise-based program to address and help you overcome your symptoms.

How Long Does Vestibular Rehab Take?

The duration of a vestibular rehabilitation program differs. The treatment will focus on the cause and severity of your symptoms. Generally, your physical therapist may recommend a 6 to 8-week program with two sessions per week.

Does Vestibular Therapy Really Work?

Vestibular therapy can address the cause of your balance issues. Through consistent treatment, many people have reported fewer symptoms. You should experience improved balance, a reduced fall risk, and less dizziness as your treatment progresses.