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Fyzical Indialantic

Hello and happy Sunday! 

There were some difficulties with the link in one of our last emails regarding "Six Steps to Prevent Falls". Here were the highlights:

The first, and most important, step for seniors and their family members is to consult with a physical therapist for a fall-risk screening, which will help identify each patient’s unique strengths and functional limitations that make an individual more susceptible to falls. A comprehensive balance therapy program includes an evaluation of a patient’s gait, or walking skills, to determine potential problems with strength, posture and other conditions. Hip and ankle weakness, as well as poor posture, often lead to balance problems.  

An experienced physical therapist also will develop an individualized program for core and lower extremity strength, balance, endurance and flexibility, and outline steps to prevent future falls. 

Five additional steps to help prevent falls include the following: 

  • Assess the home environment: Keep floors, hallways, and stairs free of clutter, and ensure that indoor and outdoor walkways are well-lit. Consider adding grab bars in the shower or bathtub, as well as handrails on both sides of staircases. Make sure sidewalks have no cracks that are potential trip hazards and that steps are not too steep.

  • Prioritize regular exercise: Minimal impact exercises can help build stability, strength, and flexibility, abilities that often decline as individuals age.

  • Choose the right footwear: Wear shoes with slip-resistant soles and adequate heel support. Limit movement to even surfaces; thick grass, nature trails, throw rugs, and sand each present a potential trip hazard.

  • Examine prescription labels: Understand potential side effects with medications, which can cause dizziness, headaches, nausea or sleepiness.

  • Visit the doctor: Annual appointments with a primary care physician are crucial, but so too are yearly visits to an optometrist and otolaryngologist. Your eyes and ears are two very important keys to stability as you age.

As always, consult with a trained medical professional prior to making any substantial exercise, dietary or lifestyle changes. 

To view other articles like this, visit our blog here.

This week is the beginning of fall prevention week! Do you have your appointment booked for a FREE BALANCE ASSESSMENT? If not, call (321) 372-3090. 

Follow our facebook and instagram accounts to keep up with tips and statistics! We will be posting all week. 

Together we can #FightTheFall

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