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Physical Therapy for Concussions

Enhancing Concussion Recovery with Physical Therapy

Help for Concussions

Have you or someone you know recently experienced a concussion and found that things just haven't been the same since? It's not uncommon to face lingering symptoms and difficulties following a concussion. However, what many people may not realize is that physical therapy can play a crucial role in speeding up the recovery process. 

Post-Concussive Symptoms may include:

  • Headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Irritability.
  • Anxiety.
  • Trouble falling asleep or sleeping too much.
  • Loss of concentration and memory.
  • Ringing in the ears.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Noise and light sensitivity. 

These symptoms can significantly impact an individual's life. If you find yourself still experiencing these symptoms even after an initial recovery period, it may be time to consider a personalized treatment approach. 

Individualized Treatment Approach

Our licensed physical therapists will create a comprehensive and individualized treatment approach tailored to your unique needs. This approach encompasses various techniques and strategies designed to address the specific challenges faced during concussion recovery. 

Manual Therapy Techniques for Concussions

Manual Therapy Techniques for Concussions


Soft tissue and joint restrictions can impede the healing process and contribute to lingering symptoms. Our physical therapists use targeted manual therapy techniques to alleviate these restrictions, promoting improved blood circulation and reducing discomfort. 

Cardio Exercise

Cardio Exercise 

Controlled cardiovascular exercises can aid in promoting healing and recovery after a concussion. Our physical therapists will design specialized exercise programs tailored to your current abilities, gradually increasing intensity as you progress toward recovery.

Balance & Vestibular Training Balance & Vestibular Training

Concussions often disrupt the delicate balance and vestibular systems, leading to dizziness and difficulties with coordination. By incorporating specialized balance and vestibular training exercises, we will work with you to help restore equilibrium and enhance overall stability. 

Regaining Strength Regaining Strength

Building strength is a vital component of concussion recovery. Our physical therapists will guide you through a progressive strengthening program, targeting specific muscles and areas of weakness, allowing you to regain your strength and function gradually. 

Return to Sport Testing

Sports Testing 

For individuals involved in athletic activities, a safe return to sports is paramount. We will perform thorough return-to-sport testing to ensure that you can resume physical activity safely and confidently. 

If you are still dealing with the effects of a concussion and looking for an effective path to recovery, physical therapy can help! By offering individualized treatment approaches, including manual therapy techniques, cardiovascular exercise, balance/vestibular training, progressive strengthening, and return to sport testing, our physical therapists will guide you back to the activities you love. 

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call us at 303-409-2133 and take the first step towards reclaiming your well-being.