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» Your Posture Matters!
Your Posture Matters!

Posture is important, so important that it can affect your quality of life. Posture essentially refers to the body's alignment and positioning vs. gravity. An easier way to say it, posture is how you hold your body. There are two types of posture: Dynamic and Static. Dynamic Posture is how you hold yourself when you are moving, like when you are walking, running, or bending over to pick something up. Static Postures is how you hold yourself when you are not moving, like when you are sitting, standing, or sleeping. It is important to make sure you have both good dynamic and good static posture. Poor posture can be bad for your health. Over time, slouching or slumping over can result in misalingment in your muskuloskeletal system, cause neck, back, and shoulder pain. Slouching and slumping wear away at your spine, making it more fragile and prone to injury. Your body can have a harder time digesting food and it can be harder to breath with poor posture. So how can you improve your posture?

Take a look at these tips..

  1. Sit properly: Ensure your feet are supported, your knees and hips are level, and your spine is vertical. 
  2. Fix the empty space in your chair: While sitting all the way back in your chair, place a towel or small pillow in the arch of your lower back.
  3. Get up and move! As your muscles grow tired from sitting for an extended period of time, your back and neck will have more pressure. Take a brisk walk around the office every 30-45 minutes. If you are driving a long distance, take plenty of breaks at rest stops or gas stations to stretch those legs and get your blood flowing. 
  4. Do not overcompensate your posture: It is important to maintain an overall relaxed posture. Do not restrict movements by clenching muscles or adopting an unnatural, stiff posture. 
  5. Exercise: Proper exercising can help your posture at the office. Daily workouts can help increase your mobility and lead to a safer workplace environment. 

If you are struggling with aches and pains for improper posture, a physical therapist can help you improve your mobility and function, in addition to helping you fix your issues moving forward. Give us a call today work on your posture! 806-785-7900