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» SOS System at FYZICAL


If you have ever gone to physical therapy for balance issues or due to dizziness complaints, you have probably been through the typical stepping over hurdles, standing on foam with your eyes closed, or kicking over cones. Did you know that the world of balance involves so many more complex exercises that can be used to ensure optimum success and improvement but are so often not used due to fear of the patient and of the physical therapist? To eliminate that fear, Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centers have installed a Safety Overhead Support System or SOS. 

The SOS is a critical component to the genius of the balance center program as it allows a safe environment for both the patient and clinician to challenge the patient using the FYZICAL Balance Paradigm. 

This system utilizes a harness and rails in which you would be fully strapped into the harness and attached to the rails via a full body weight supporting rope so that it is impossible for you to fall and hit the ground.

This helps to eliminate your fear and the fear of the physical therapist allowing you to be challenged as much as is necessary to ensure you reach your full potential. No longer will the fear of falling hold you back while you are in therapy!

Get out to our Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centers in Mechanicsburg to see for yourself and for a free fall risk assessment. 

To make an appointment call 717-591-3000 or click here