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Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: Your Path to Post-Surgical Pain Relief After Hysterectomy

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Oklahoma City, OK

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Oklahoma City, Sarah found herself sitting by her bedroom window, grappling with a myriad of emotions. Just a few weeks ago, she underwent a life-altering hysterectomy, hoping to bid farewell to years of pain and discomfort caused by uterine fibroids. Yet, in the quiet moments of the evening, she couldn't shake the persistent ache that lingered in her abdomen.

If you've ever walked a similar path, feeling the weight of post-surgical pain after a hysterectomy, know that you're not alone. We understand the physical and emotional toll it takes, the longing for relief, and the uncertainty about what lies ahead. In this journey toward healing, empathy and understanding are our guiding lights.

Today, we embark on a journey together—a journey fueled by empathy and driven by understanding. Join us as we explore the transformative power of pelvic floor physical therapy with FYZICAL Oklahoma City, offering hope, relief, and a pathway to reclaiming your vitality. Because every story of pain deserves a chapter of healing. Let's turn the page together.

Introduction to Pain After Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy is a major surgical procedure that many women undergo for various reasons, such as treating gynecological conditions like fibroids, endometriosis, or uterine prolapse. While this surgery can be life-changing and alleviate troublesome symptoms, it often comes with a challenging recovery period. One common issue that many women face post-hysterectomy is persistent pain. Fortunately, pelvic floor physical therapy can be a highly effective solution for managing and alleviating this pain. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the causes of post-surgical pain after hysterectomy and how pelvic floor physical therapy with a physical therapist from FYZICAL Oklahoma City can be an essential component of your recovery journey if you're in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Understanding Post-Surgical Pain after Hysterectomy

  1. Types of Hysterectomy: Hysterectomies can be performed in different ways, including abdominal, vaginal, or laparoscopic methods. The type of surgery you undergo can influence the severity and location of your post-surgical pain.

  2. Causes of Pain: Several factors contribute to post-surgical pain after a hysterectomy:

    • Surgical Trauma: The removal of the uterus and, in some cases, surrounding structures can lead to pain in the pelvic region.
    • Scar Tissue Formation: Surgical incisions and tissue healing can result in scar tissue formation, causing discomfort.
    • Muscle Tension: The pelvic floor muscles may become tense and dysfunctional following surgery, contributing to pain.
    • Nerve Irritation: Surgical procedures can irritate or damage nearby nerves, leading to neuropathic pain.
  3. Duration of Pain: The duration of post-surgical pain varies from woman to woman. Some may experience acute pain in the weeks immediately following surgery, while others may suffer from chronic pain that persists for months or even years.

A woman sits on a yoga mat in a serene indoor setting. She appears relaxed and focused, with her eyes closed and hands resting gently on her knees. The room is softly lit, creating a calming atmosphere. The woman exudes a sense of peace and mindfulness as she engages in her yoga practice, symbolizing the journey towards healing and well-being after a hysterectomy.

The Role of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy to Treat Post-Surgical Pain After Hysterectomy

Pelvic floor physical therapy is a specialized branch of physical therapy that focuses on the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that support the pelvic organs. When it comes to post-surgical pain after a hysterectomy, pelvic floor physical therapy plays a crucial role in alleviating discomfort and promoting a smoother recovery. Here's how it can benefit you in Oklahoma City:

  1. Customized Treatment Plans: Experienced pelvic floor physical therapists in Oklahoma City will create personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. This ensures that your therapy addresses the root causes of your post-surgical pain effectively.

  2. Pain Management: Pelvic floor physical therapy incorporates various techniques to manage and reduce pain. These can include manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and modalities such as heat or ice applications.

  3. Scar Tissue Management: Therapists can employ manual techniques to break down scar tissue and adhesions, helping to improve tissue mobility and reduce pain associated with scar formation.

  4. Muscle Rehabilitation: Pelvic floor muscles often become weakened or tense after surgery. Physical therapists can guide you through exercises that strengthen and relax these muscles, improving their function and reducing pain.

  5. Nerve Mobilization: For women experiencing neuropathic pain, therapists can use specialized techniques to mobilize and desensitize irritated nerves, providing relief.

  6. Education: You'll receive valuable education about your condition and how to manage it effectively, including lifestyle adjustments, home exercises, and strategies for long-term pain prevention.

What to Expect During Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

If you're considering pelvic floor physical therapy for post-surgical pain after a hysterectomy in Oklahoma City, it's essential to know what to expect during your treatment:

  1. Initial Assessment: Your therapy journey will begin with a comprehensive assessment. This involves discussing your medical history, surgery details, and current symptoms. Your physical therapist will also perform a physical examination to evaluate your pelvic floor function and identify any areas of concern.

  2. Goal Setting: Together with your therapist, you'll establish specific treatment goals based on your individual needs. These goals will guide your therapy plan and help track your progress.

  3. Hands-On Treatment: Pelvic floor physical therapy often involves hands-on techniques performed by your therapist. These may include soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy.

  4. Exercise Prescription: You'll be prescribed a series of exercises to perform both in the clinic and at home. These exercises aim to strengthen weak muscles, release tension, and improve overall pelvic floor function.

  5. Progress Monitoring: Your therapist will regularly monitor your progress and make adjustments to your treatment plan as needed. This ensures that your therapy remains effective and aligned with your recovery goals.

  6. Patient Education: Throughout your therapy, you'll receive valuable education on managing your condition, including lifestyle modifications and strategies to prevent future pain.

Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic floor physical therapy offers a range of benefits for women experiencing post-surgical pain after a hysterectomy in Oklahoma City:

  1. Non-Invasive: Unlike surgical interventions, pelvic floor physical therapy is non-invasive and carries minimal risks.

  2. Pain Relief: It targets the underlying causes of pain, providing effective relief without relying on medication alone.

  3. Improved Function: Therapy enhances pelvic floor muscle function, helping you regain control and reduce discomfort.

  4. Prevention: Pelvic floor physical therapy can help prevent long-term complications and improve your overall quality of life.

  5. Customized Care: Your therapy plan is tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that you receive personalized treatment.


Post-surgical pain after a hysterectomy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, can be a challenging and distressing experience. However, our team of pelvic floor physical therapists at FYZICAL Oklahoma City offer a comprehensive and effective solution to manage and alleviate this pain. By working with experienced pelvic floor physical therapists, you can regain your quality of life, improve your pelvic floor function, and enjoy a smoother recovery journey. Don't let post-surgical pain hold you back—take the first step towards a pain-free future with pelvic floor physical therapy in Oklahoma City.

To Learn More, Schedule a FREE consultation with a Physical Therapist.Schedule Your Initial Evaluation with a Physical Therapist today.

FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers of Oklahoma City provides orthopedic physical therapy in Lakeside, The Village, Nichols Hills, and surrounding NW Oklahoma City. Our physical therapists are specially trained to treat all types of pain, movement disorders, and musculoskeletal dysfunction including post-surgical recovery from ACL Tear. Our practitioners take a patient-centered individualized approach that focuses on your health needs. If you are unsure about your pain, or you want to see the FYZICAL Difference for yourself, schedule a free consultation today.