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Somatosensory System in Balance

Award-winning author Frank Sonnenberg once said, "Appreciate what you have, while you have it, or you'll learn what it meant to you after you lose it."

This can be attributed to many things in our life whether it's the food on our table, time, or simply our body. Many of the things our body does, we don't notice, or we take for granted.... until we have issues. More times than not, we overlook our body's amazing ability to maintain our balance.

Our ability to balance should never be taken for granted. There are three (3) sensory components that make up your balance system: Vision, Vestibular, and Somatosensory system. If you notice your balance slipping a bit, it might be time to contact your Oklahoma City Balance experts at FYZICAL. 

What is the Somatosensory System?

The somatosensory system's main roles are to identify where your body is in space and react to physical changes in your world. It helps you move across soft surfaces like wet grass or sand, but it's also responsible for ignoring unnecessary stimuli. Like when your pants are touching your leg; you don't realize it until you start to think about it. That is your somatosensory system working. 

When you are walking and suddenly step on a stick, your ankle changes position so quickly you might not even realize it. This ankle strategy response to somatosensory feedback is necessary to keep you balanced. 

If you have difficulty moving on slick or soft surfaces, likely, your somatosensory system isn’t as strong as it used to be. Balance rehabilitation with your Physical Therapist at FYZICAL Oklahoma City can help you stay on your feet. Balance Therapy with Oklahoma City Physical Therapist at FYZICAL Oklahoma City.

You just need to get started with an evaluation, today!

How does the Somatosensory System work?

Your somatosensory system processes sensory feedback from movements of your skin, muscles, and joints. It monitors the position of our bodies in space. The somatosensory system also helps detect and interpret information on touch, temperature, pain, and pressure that allows us to perceive an object. This is all in an effort to maintain your postural balance.

Another way to think about your somatosensory system is in reference to your spine. Your spine plays a huge role in how you move and can help you avoid a catastrophic fall. One of the additional benefits of seeing a physical therapist for balance therapy is that they are experts in spine mobility. That means that getting your spine moving may actually improve your balance. 

By relaying information about your body position to the brain, the somatosensory system activates the appropriate response or movement and prevents you from falling.

What else contributes to your balance?

Just like one ingredient doesn't make a delicious meal, or one singer doesn't make up the whole band, our body doesn't rely on just one component to maintain balance. Two other sensory systems help maintain our ability to balance: our vision and our vestibular systems. These systems work together with our brain and help us keep our balance. 

Visual System

Your visual system is responsible for processing your movement and the movement of people and things around you (think cars driving or birds flying, for example). When your eyes and brain are not connecting properly these movements can create a sensation of dizziness and confusion.

When we were children, our vision helped guide our balance and postural stability as we learned to navigate the world. As we age, we can become reliant on our vision, even though it can start to deteriorate just like our muscles and bones. The good news is, at FYZICAL our Oklahoma City physical therapists know balance therapy; they can challenge and strengthen your vision while they also help strengthen your muscles and bones.

Vestibular System

The vestibular system is your internal reference telling the brain how your head and body are orientated - up, down, tilted, etc. The primary role of your vestibular system is to help your brain respond to movement. Whether you are walking, running, turning, twisting, jumping, or FALLING, your vestibular system is responsible for orienting your head and body. 

If you feel like you are moving even if you are standing still, there is a good chance your vestibular or visual systems aren’t firing properly, and should see a physical therapist who specializes in vestibular rehabilitation.

Isn’t it time you called your Oklahoma City Physical Therapists to see what FYZICAL can do for you?

Who benefits from Somatosensory Exercises?

If you struggle with:

  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis

it might be time to see a physical therapist who can help you to Love Your Life! 

"I feel that I am at much less risk of a fall now than I was in September when I started therapy here." - JK

Our Oklahoma City physical therapists use a comprehensive balance therapy program that includes assessment and evaluation programs, balance retraining, and vestibular rehabilitation. With balance retraining and vestibular rehabilitation, our goal is to improve balance function and visual-motor control, increase general activity levels, and help your body compensate for inner ear disorders. We utilize a state-of-the-art virtual reality and our balance therapy programs have great success.

-FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers of Oklahoma City 

To Learn More, Schedule a FREE consultation with a Physical Therapist.Schedule Your Initial Evaluation with a Physical Therapist today.

FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers of Oklahoma City provides vestibular physical therapy in Lakeside, The Village, Nichols Hills, and surrounding NW Oklahoma City. Our physical therapists are specially trained to treat all types of vestibular dysfunction including vertigo and BPPV. Our practitioners take a patient-centered individualized approach that focuses on your health needs. If you are unsure about your dizziness, or you want to see the FYZICAL Difference for yourself, schedule a free consultation today.