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Welcome to FYZICAL Owasso's July Newsletter!


In this newsletter, we'll be sharing some insight into lower back pain, healthy computer habits and a company clinic team member spotlight!

Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Most people will experience lower back pain at least once in their lifetime. For the majority of people, the pain is temporary. If someone has ongoing poor posture and body mechanics, unstable core muscles, constant walking (gait) issues, or they're under stress and/or depression, their back pain can become chronic, or long-lasting. Lower back pain can happen anywhere below the ribs and above the legs. The lower back bears most of the body’s weight and therefore, there can be many causes for pain such as injury, aging, pregnancy, herniated disc, compression fractures, joint issues, illness, genetic spine issues and overuse. If you are experiencing chronic pain in your lower back, our physical therapists can help! Our FYZICAL Owasso team will evaluate your whole body to find the root cause of your lower back pain and help you get back to living the life you love!

Experiencing Pain From Your Desk Job?

Aches and pains from sitting at a computer for long periods of time are common at any age. This type of work can cause aches and pains in the neck, shoulder, upper and lower back, wrist and elbow joints. Hand nerves may also become compressed, causing weakness and/or tingling in the fingers. These symptoms can occur in the onset of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), which may include damage to tendons, muscles, nerves and other soft tissues from repeated physical movements over time. Whether you're in school or at work, you may be sitting at a computer or laptop for an extended period of time which may cause discomfort or pain. Click the link below to learn about healthy computer habits that can be incorporated into your daily life!

Staff Spotlight

Meet Dr. Michael Johnson in Traverse City, MI

Dr. Michael Johnson earned his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Michigan. Mike is a full-time physical therapist and is the Clinical Director of FYZICAL Traverse City. He specializes in treating orthopedic and neuromuscular conditions. Mike is an enthusiastic team player deeply committed to delivering quality care and achieving superior patient outcomes. Mike also holds certifications in LSVT, dry needling, craniosacral therapy and manual medicine. Mike is passionate about helping his patients feel better and get back to loving their lives, pain free!

Want to Schedule an Appointment?

At FYZICAL Owasso we can help you get back to loving your life through orthopedic rehabilitation, balance therapy, fitness & wellness programs, or our specialty services. Click the button below to request an appointment today!

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.  

Please find our contact information below and feel free to reach out to us at any time!


9540 N Garnett Rd #101
Owasso, OK 74055
Phone (918) 609-1300
9136 S Sheridan Rd #B
Tulsa, OK 74133
Phone (918) 488-9991
FYZICAL Glenpool
12100 S. Yukon Ave
Glenpool, OK 74033
Phone (918) 992-6247

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