Orthopedic Rehabilitation

» Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Orthopedic Rehabilitation


We are excited to announce that we now have the GenuEase state-of-the-art knee rehabilitation device.  GenuEase was designed for post-operative total knee replacement care, allowing for patients to mechanically bend and straighten their own knees so they can be guided by their own pain and fully engaged in their own recovery.  GenuEase provides patients faster ROM recovery with fewer complications and greater satisfaction.  The device allows for ROM gains of -5 degrees to 135 degrees with precision, and with digital guidance of every degree of motion gained for intrinsic motivation, while the patient is in full control.  Typical methods of self and manual stretching for knee ROM cause muscle guarding due to anxiety of anticipation of pain, leading to poor ROM gains early in the rehabilitation process.  GenuEase can also be used for all post-operative knee surgeries, and for patients who have contractures from chronic knee pathologies.

For more information about this device or to see it used in action, please refer to www.therapease.com/see-how-it-works/ or feel free to stop into our facility and check it out in person.

FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers Skilled Orthopedic therapists can help you overcome any type of muscle, joint or nerve pain; restore your range of motion; increase your strength; and help you feel years younger. Your one-on-one customized treatment program may include:

Our therapists have a large selection of equipment in our state-of-the-art facility, which means you get first-class, comprehensive care at every visit. You deserve to love your life, feel good, and be happy.

No matter what ails you, the amazing therapists at FYZICAL can take care of all your aches and pains - from head to toe - and get you back on track. Our experts treat clients with all types of general orthopedic injuries and conditions, including: