TMJ Therapy

» TMJ Therapy

TMJ Physical Therapy Specialists in Bolingbrook, IL

The temporomandibular joint, known by its acronym TMJ, is located on both sides of the face in front of the ears. These joints connect the lower jawbone to the skull and help perform movements like speaking and chewing.

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is a dysfunctional TMJ that occurs when the muscles and ligaments around the jaw joints get irritated or inflamed. The condition can cause mild or severe pain and be acute or chronic.

You can treat TMD via TMJ physical therapy. So, if you are looking for a TMJ specialist near me, you have FYZICAL Bolingbrook, IL! Our personalized Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Treatments can help treat the condition effectively.

In TMJ Disorders, We Specialize in:

  • Myofascial Pain: Discomfort or pain in the fascia and muscles that control jaw, neck, and shoulder function.
  • Internal Joint Derangement: A dislocated jaw or displaced disk (cushion of cartilage between the jaw bone’s head and the skull) or injury to the condyle (the jaw bone’s rounded end that articulates with the temporal skull bone).
  • Degenerative Joint Disease: Jaw joint osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis

TMJ Conditions and Symptoms We Treat

At FYZICAL, we treat a range of symptoms, including the following.

  • Face: Jaw pain, jaws that lock in the open- or closed-mouth position, swelling on the face’s side, tooth pain, difficulty chewing, clicking, popping, or grating sounds, changes in how the teeth fit together, difficulty opening the jaw wide open.
  • Ear: Tinnitus, earaches, ringing ears
  • Head: Headaches
  • Other Parts: Pain in the neck or shoulders


Benefits of TMJ Physical Therapy in Bolingbrook, IL

Undergoing the proper treatment at the right time and through TMJ physical therapy experts like us can help you make a significant difference. At FYZICAL, we do not merely focus on relieving you from the pain but treating the problem sustainably. Here are a few visible benefits that our TMJ therapy offers.

  • Reduced Chronic Discomfort: TMJ disorders can lead to jaw pain and other problems like neck pain, shoulder stiffness, upper back pain, etc. But TMJ physical therapy can help relieve these discomforts and let you feel better.
  • Lowered Risk of Dental Damage: TMJ disorder and chronic teeth grinding are often related conditions. It can crack the teeth and cause dental erosion. Treating either or both conditions can help protect your dental functionality.
  • Enhanced Mood and Quality of Life: Living with pain isn’t easy. It affects your mood, emotions, and overall health. But our personalized TMJ treatment can help relieve pain, increase self-confidence, and usher happiness.
  • Protected Ear Health: Ear pain is a common symptom in many patients suffering from TMJ. Visiting a TMJ physical therapist and undergoing personalized TMJ physical therapy can also help alleviate ear pain and protect ear health.
  • Enhanced Overall Health: TMJ can lead to many challenges if left unattended. From deteriorating ear health to chewing difficulties and affected emotional health, the condition can have a widespread impact if ignored and allowed to progress. But visiting TMJ physical therapy specialists and a tailored TMJ therapy can help enhance your overall well-being.

 Connect with us if you are looking for online or in-person TMJ physical therapy services in Bolingbrook, IL.f you need online or in-person TMJ Physical Therapy in Bolingbrook, IL


  • What is TMJ syndrome?

TMJ syndrome refers to affecting jaw joints and surrounding muscles and ligaments. The syndrome can be caused by an improper bite, arthritis wear and tear, or trauma. Some common symptoms include headaches, jaw tenderness, facial pain, and earaches.

  • When to see a doctor?

Ignoring TMJ symptoms can cause long-term and severe damage. You must be mindful of symptoms like pain while chewing, frequent headaches, jawbone or joint inflammation, severe injury to the head, jaw, or neck, misaligned biting patterns, etc., and consult a TMJ treatment specialist near you.

  • Is TMJ treatment successful?

A proper and personalized TMJ treatment can prove to be successful. It can relieve patients from pain, jaw problems, chewing concerns, headaches, etc.

  • How can I permanently fix my TMJ?

TMJ isn’t an irreversible condition. With proper treatment and a custom TMJ physical therapy plan, you can cure TMJ pain permanently. Some techniques to fix TMJ permanently include physical therapy, using custom-made splints, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, and surgery.