
» Cupping


Types of Cupping 

Dry Cupping, Massage Cupping, Fire Cupping, and Wet Cupping (Hijama)

Cupping and Hijama are two traditional practices that involve creating suction on the skin to improve blood flow, promote healing, and relieve pain.


Cupping (Dry, Massage, and Fire)

  •  Relieves muscle tension and pain: Cupping is believed to help loosen and relax muscles, which can alleviate tension and pain in the affected area.
  • Improved circulation: By creating suction on the skin, cupping can improve blood flow to the targeted area, which can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  •  May boost immune function: Some proponents of cupping believe that it can help strengthen the immune system by promoting the flow of lymphatic fluid and stimulating the production of white blood cells.

 Hijama (Wet Cupping)

  •  Detoxifies the body: Hijama is thought to help remove toxins and impurities from the body by drawing them out through the skin.
  •  Improves circulation: Like cupping, hijama can improve blood flow to the targeted area, which can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  • May boost immune function: Similar to cupping, hijama is believed to help strengthen the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells. 
  • Hijama details
    • $85 per session (1-10 cups; 40 min; 1 body area)
    • Each session may include hand massage, massage cupping, fire cupping, dry cupping, and infrared heat lamp to increase circulation prior to hijama (wet cupping). Health coaching is mixed in with the session to promote healthy behavior changes.
    • Review consent form prior to hijama