De Zavala
FYZICAL is a physical therapy franchise leading the charge to transform healthcare from one of “sick care” to well care.
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Welcome to FYZICAL De Zavala

FYZICAL De Zavala is unlike any physical therapy clinic you've been to before. At FYZICAL De Zavala, our highly skilled, compassionate team of doctors of physical therapy and client care specialist are 100% focused on achieving optimal health and wellness for you so you can get back to living and loving the life you enjoy. FYZICAL De Zavala specializes in neurological rehabilitation, balance therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, pelvic therapy, orthopedic rehabilitation, chronic back pain, hand therapy, and dry needling. 

While in our care at FYZICAL De Zavala, you'll receive a specific program designed uniquely for you. NO 'one program fits all' here. There is NO other you! Our highly trained team of physical therapist will also use a safety overhead support (SOS) system which allows for freedom of movement, while secured in a simple, comfortable body harness to eliminate the risk of falling. 

FYZICAL De Zavala is a medical and scientific-based physical therapy and fitness organization with a broad range of expertise. Spelled different because we are different! Founded in collaboration with a medical doctor, physiologists, licensed therapists and service business experts, we provide prescribed physical therapy and medically-based physical fitness. Yet we are much more than your typical physical therapy clinic. Our goal at FYZICAL is to help you discover how to achieve the pinnacle of healthy living, expand your boundaries, feel younger and revitalize your health.

Contact us today to schedule a FREE "Fall-Risk" Assessment! 

Saturday Appointments Available Starting October 7th, 2023!

FYZICAL® Therapy Services

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