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» Is my Blood Pressure Causing my Dizziness?
Is my Blood Pressure Causing my Dizziness?

Blood pressure CAN be the culprit for dizziness!

As part of our comprehensive Dizziness Evaluation, orthostatic blood pressure assessment is measured. This is a set of blood pressures taken lying down, sitting, and standing. Normally, blood pressure may change a few points with these positional changes. However, when blood pressure drops by more than a few points, it can cause symptoms of lightheadedness and increase risk of syncope or fainting. This condition is known as Orthostatic Hypotension.

Orthostatic Hypotension, also known as Postural Hypotension, can range from mild to severe. It can be caused by dehydration or prolonged bed rest/immobility. Sometimes, orthostatic hypotension can be caused by Cardiac or Neurological conditions. Occasionally we see Orthostatic Hypotension as a side effect from multiple blood pressure medications.

Orthostatic Hypotension Symptoms:

➡Lightheadedness upon standing

➡Blurry vision


➡Fainting (syncope)



Certain conditions and situations can increase your risk for Orthostatic Hypotension including Age, multiple medications especially for blood pressure, Dehydration, Pregnancy, Excess Heat, and certain Diseases including Parkinson's and Diabetes.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should speak with your doctor. You may benefit from a formal evaluation for your dizziness which will include Orthostatic Blood pressure assessment.