Balance Therapy

» Balance Therapy

Balance Therapy

Having Trouble With Your Balance? Physical Therapy Can Help!

Do you ever have any issues or feel less stable than usual when walking? Do you find yourself relying on the support of walls to keep your posture? Do you experience regular tiredness or vertigo? If this accurately describes you, then you could be experiencing a balance disorder.

Balance & Gait Disorders – Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy in Plainfield

If you think you are suffering from a balance or gait disorder, FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center can provide you with an accurate diagnosis and complete treatment. FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center - Plainfield, IL, is well-known for giving balance therapy exercises in Plainfield and has helped many individuals recover from their balance and gait problems. Today, they are leading an active and healthy lifestyle.

Why do I have a balance or gait disorder?

Medication side effects, ear infections, head injuries, and other conditions that impact the inner ear or brain are all potential causes of balance disorders. People with low blood pressure may also experience dizziness. Balance disorders can also be brought on by problems with the skeletal or visual systems, such as arthritis or an imbalance in the eye muscles.

Gait disorders can result from a much wider range of illnesses. Your ability to walk normally can be affected by any ailment that compromises your ability to use your muscles or nerves. Due to this, gait disorders, like balance disorders, can also arise from the signs of neurological or neuromuscular conditions.

 Do you think you might also be suffering from a balance or gait disorder? Book an appointment today at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center - Plainfield, IL!

What is the key to relief for balance and gait disorder?

One of our skilled physical therapists at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center - Plainfield, IL will do a thorough physical examination at your first session to look at your balance, gait, posture, symptoms, and medical background.

Our expert physical therapists design a tailored treatment program that fits your unique requirement. The Typical components of treatment programs for balance and gait disorders are:

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, often known as BPPV, happens when calcium debris breaks off in the inner ear, causing balance problems.

If you have BPPV, our physical therapist will give you specialized exercises to help the calcium debris return to the appropriate areas of your ear. This balance and gait-specific therapy are known as vestibular rehabilitation. Your muscle, nerves, eyesight, and entire vestibular system are all improved under this therapy.

Gait Retraining Exercises

Exercises on the treadmill have been effective in treating patients with gait abnormalities brought on by osteoarthritis. Sometimes, simple “retraining" can efficiently fix gait irregularities. If so, you will be shown the appropriate stance, posture, and walking strategies by our physical therapist at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center - Plainfield, IL.

Strengthening Exercises

Our physical therapists’ assessment of you will assist them in identifying any trouble spots in your body that could require strengthening. Then, our physiotherapists will provide you with exercises to strengthen your muscles. Our objective is to greatly improve your mobility and total recovery while lowering any chances of future injury.


Targeted stretches will improve your control and speed up your movement responses. Additionally, lessen your chance of damage. They are a crucial component of a therapeutic strategy that will increase your range of motion and flexibility. Additionally, they’ll prevent your muscles from being overly strained and tight.

What are the benefits of balance and gait training?

Gait training could be able to assist you if you have a condition or impairment that makes moving around difficult. It is one of the first things you should try to do if you have trouble walking or running since doing so will help you avoid a more devastating and unhealthier lifestyle and fend off diseases like heart disease or blood clots.

The repetitive actions of balance and gait training will rehabilitate muscles and joints to get stronger and result in strengthened muscle memory when the right treatment plan is in place. You will gradually increase your endurance, strengthen your balance, and improve your posture.

What does balance and gait training entail?

Gait training often includes a combination of supervised treadmill walking, potentially with a harness to keep you supported, and several exercises to increase your mobility and strength. The balance and gait training program you receive will be tailored to your individual requirements and diagnosis.

Your range of motion in your leg joints should be enhanced with exercises, including hip rotations, hamstring stretches, and ankle pumps. Working with a physical therapist, you can practice raising your legs, sitting down, standing up, and climbing steps.

Balance and gait training can aid with joint compressions, muscle placement, surrounding muscle strength, and muscle stiffness and spasticity reduction. To prevent compensatory gait problems, it can also assist in increasing joint range of motion, particularly in the ankle joints.

FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center - Plainfield, IL is designed for a patient’s individual needs.
We focus on activities of daily living, such as eating, dressing and bathing as well as incorporate many other treatments and therapies including:

Read Blog - Fight the Fall! Understanding Fall Risk & Prevention

 Connect with us for Balance or Gait Disorder to Balance your Life at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center - Plainfield, IL 


  • Is my physical therapist licensed?

Every single member of our staff is highly qualified, certified, and licensed to provide you with physical therapy services. Our physiotherapists have years of experience treating former and current patients and have acquired medical training and education from some of the best institutions in the world.

  • What do you do at balance therapy?

Balance therapy exercises often include standing and walking as well as exercises designed specifically for reflexes under the control of the inner ear. To meet your specific needs, the physical therapist will collaborate with you to choose a sequence of the head, eye, and body mobility exercises suited for each stage of rehabilitation. 

These exercises will test your balance and assist your brain in relearning how to read and use signals from your inner ear to aid with balance and vertigo.

  • Does balance therapy help with dizziness?

Balance problems often accompany dizziness. We can control dizzy symptoms, such as imbalance, with the aid of balance vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VST).

To meet your unique needs, your healthcare professional will customize vestibular rehabilitation therapy, which is highly effective in dizziness treatment. You’ll be shown how to perform exercises so you may work out at your leisure and convenience at home. These exercises often include balance retraining, eye movement control, stretching, and strengthening.

  • What does a physical therapist do for balance?

By determining the root causes of your balance issues and creating a customized treatment plan to meet your unique needs, your physical therapist at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center - Plainfield, IL, can assist in treating them.

  • What therapy is best for balance?

Physical therapy is your greatest bet for restoring your balance and walking capabilities. However, at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center - Plainfield, IL, we firmly believe in tailored programs that are made by our experts just for you after a thorough examination of your problems and symptoms, and as such, there is no single “best” program, but the customized therapy package that we deliver to our individual clients is the best one.