FYZICAL is a physical therapy franchise leading the charge to transform healthcare from one of “sick care” to well care.
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Welcome to FYZICAL Sprayberry

FYZICAL Sprayberry brings physical therapy, balance training and wellness to neighborhood of North East Cobb. Our highly trained and compassionate doctors of physical therapy and staff are 100% focused on achieving optimal health and wellness for you to get back to living your life.

Our Mission is to improve the health and the safety of those in our community by providing comprehensive and evidence-based physical therapy.
It's time to get FYZICAL if:

You're tired of living in pain
You want to conquer dizzy or fear of falling
You want to feel better and move better
You need to heal an orthopedic problem or sports injury
You want to overcome a neurological condition
You want to improve your overall strength, endurance, and conditioning

FYZICAL® Therapy Services

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