Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy in Woodstock, GA
Occupational therapy is a healthcare practice that helps people of all ages who have undergone physical, sensory, and cognitive problems to regain and relearn the skills they need to live independently and perform their daily activities. Medical conditions that affect the brain, severe trauma and injuries from accidents, and other disorders can lead to loss of mobility and function. However, occupational therapy in Woodstock, GA, can help to treat, manage, and reverse the effects of these conditions.
Occupational therapists are highly trained and have different specializations. However, they all aim to restore the ability of individuals to participate in activities they once enjoyed. Occupational therapy is different from physical therapy in terms of the aims and objectives of each healthcare practice. While physical therapy aims to restore mobility and manage pain, occupational therapy helps you readapt to your normal activities. At FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers, an OT (occupational therapist) can help you achieve your goals of performing activities of all types, ranging from daily needs such as driving, eating, dressing, cooking, typing, use of machinery, and more.
Who can Benefit from Occupational Therapy at Woodstock, GA?
People of all ages who find it hard to carry out their daily activities due to physical, emotional, sensory, or cognitive impairments can benefit from occupational therapy. Individuals who can benefit from occupational therapy programs in Woodstock, GA include people with:
- Sensory processing disorders
- Learning problems
- Birth injuries/defects
- Traumatic injuries to the brain or spinal cord
- Developmental delays
- Traumatic amputations
- Severe hand injuries
- Cancer
- Autism
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Mental health or behavioral disorders
- Cerebral palsy
- Multiple Sclerosis, etc.
FYZICAL’s Occupational Therapists can treat these areas:
- Pre & Post-Surgical Care of Tendon and Nerve Injuries
- Sports & Orthopedic Injuries
- Fractures & Dislocations
- Hand & Wrist Splinting
- Carpal Tunnel & Other Nerve Entrapment Disorders
- Repetitive Motion Syndromes
- Soft-Tissue Contractures
- Feeding & Swallowing
- Gross & Fine Motor Training
- Activities of Daily Living

What Does an Occupational Therapist Do in Woodstock, GA?
Occupational therapists work in conjunction with their patients to understand their individual needs and work towards achieving a common goal. FYZICAL's occupational therapy services include:
- Customized one-on-one treatment programs to improve your functional abilities to perform everyday activities: Before beginning occupational therapy, an occupational therapist will perform a comprehensive assessment to evaluate the patient’s physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities. This assessment also evaluates their home and work environment to know the changes to make to help them adapt to their new situation. The occupational therapist will use the results of these assessments to create a customized treatment plan that tends to the patient’s needs and goals.
- Comprehensive home and job site evaluations with improvement recommendations: Occupational therapy aims to help rehabilitate individuals to function independently in their home and work environments. To achieve this goal, occupational therapists evaluate the accessibility of their patients’ work and home environments. The OT then makes the appropriate home modifications and workplace adjustments to ensure the patient’s safety.
- How to properly use home and work equipment safely and efficiently: Occupational therapists in Woodstock, GA, also provide training and education to their patients on how to maintain good posture, manage pain, and prevent future injuries while using home and work equipment. They teach adaptive strategies and recommend assistive devices that give patients better options while performing tasks.
- Guidance and discussion with individuals working or living with you on how they can help you succeed: Training and education during occupational therapy are not limited to the rehabilitated individual alone. It also extends to the friends and family of the patient. This education equips them with the knowledge they need to support the patient and make their adaptation to their new reality easier.
Not only are FYZICAL’s Occupational Therapists highly skilled in the rehabilitation of performing everyday activities, but they are also experts in the treatment of neurological disorders such as stroke, prescribing and educating in adaptive equipment to enhance lives, improving dexterity and coordination.
Benefits of Occupational Therapy in Woodstock, GA
The benefits of occupational therapy are numerous and extensive. Some of these include:
- Occupational therapy improves the mobility and independence of people who have to deal with physical, cognitive, and sensory problems.
- OT improves the well-being and overall quality of life of patients.
- Occupational therapy reduces the pain and discomfort that patients have to deal with while adapting to their new situations.
- OT manages and reduces the symptoms of chronic conditions.
- Having to adapt to a new reality might take a toll on one’s mental and emotional health. Occupational therapy improves the mental and emotional well-being of individuals who have just undergone rehabilitation.
- OT ensures that patients can live independently and work safely in their communities.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy is a rehabilitative healthcare practice that helps people who have suffered physical, cognitive, and sensory injury to regain their independence and physical functioning.
What does Occupational Therapy Do?
Occupational therapy evaluates a patient’s conditions and needs, develops a personalized treatment plan, and provides therapy with several techniques to ensure patients regain their lost skills and functions.
What is the Difference Between Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy?
While occupational therapy focuses on helping individuals regain their independence in daily activities, physical therapy is only concerned with improving physical movement and function.
Occupational therapy caters to the needs of people of all ages, trying to improve their functional abilities in their daily lives after physical, sensory, or cognitive injury. If you have been struggling with any illness, injury, or disability, occupational therapy in Woodstock, GA, can help you regain your independence and improve your overall quality of life.