» Graston Technique

Graston Technique

Graston Technique in Berkeley Heights, NJ

At FYZICAL Berkeley Heights, our experienced physical therapists utilize the Graston technique and other specialized therapies to treat injuries, reduce pain, and improve movement effectively. The article explores what is Graston technique

The Graston technique breaks down scar tissue and restrictions to speed healing in muscles, tendons, and connective tissue.

What is the Graston Technique?

Procedure detects and treats areas of “scar tissue” or adhesions in muscles, tendons and ligaments that can lead to pain and dysfunction. In the healing process, our body attempts to repair muscles, tendons and ligaments with “scar tissue,” much like the scar that forms on the skin when you have scraped or banged your knee. Scar tissue tends to be weaker and less flexible than normal, healthy, undamaged tissue.

Graston Technique Berkeley Heights NJ

Graston Technique® uses six stainless steel instruments to glide along a patient’s muscle, tendons or ligaments. When knots or bands of scar tissue are encountered, both the doctor and the patient sense a restriction or a granular feeling from the instrument.

Graston Technique Physical Therapy Berkeley Heights NJ

GT instruments are used to “break up” this restriction or adhesion. Stretching exercises are used to promote re alignment of the fibers so they behave more like healthy tissue. The patient feels less pain and gains more mobility.

The instruments are not meant to replace a clinician's hands, but to complement them. The instruments enhance what the clinician’s hands can feel – substantially improving the ability to detect and treat soft-tissue dysfunctions. An unaided hand is hard pressed to detect and break up as much scar tissue as the stainless steel instruments can.

Patients usually receive two treatments per week during 4 to 5 weeks. Most patient have a positive response by the 3rd to 4th treatment. Most patients are able to function and continue to perform their regular functions at home, work or play.

How Graston Technique Works

Discovering how the Graston technique works involves using hand-held stainless steel tools featuring beveled edges. These instruments gracefully traverse the skin, delivering precise strokes to pinpoint affected areas. This process effectively disintegrates minor adhesions and scar tissue while alleviating myofascial restrictions. The heightened blood circulation to the targeted region expedites the healing journey.

The Graston technique revitalizes the area with nutrients and oxygenated blood, reducing swelling and inflammation while expelling waste materials and toxins and alleviating discomfort.

Conditions Treated with Graston Technique

Graston technique successfully treats various orthopedic, sports, and chronic pain conditions, including:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tendonitis  
  • Arthritis
  • Back and neck pain
  • Shin splints
  • Tennis elbow
  • Sprains and strains
  • Scar tissue adhesions
  • And more

What to Expect During Graston Technique Sessions

  • Your physical therapist conducts a thorough evaluation to pinpoint problem areas and restrictions. This also determines what is appropriate about what is the graston technique for plantar fasciitis protocols.
  • Prepping the skin with a lubricant, the stainless steel instrument is rubbed over the affected region in specific sweeping strokes. This does not puncture the skin.
  • Graston technique physical therapy should not elicit pain. You may temporarily feel some achiness, warmth, or mild discomfort.
  • Treatment sessions typically last 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the area treated.
  • After treatment, gentle stretches and exercises improve mobility and flexibility.
  • Typical Graston treatment plans involve 2 sessions a week for 4-6 weeks.

The Benefits of the Graston Technique at FYZICAL Berkeley Heights  

Graston Therapy Berkeley Heights produces faster healing results compared to traditional physical therapy or massage alone. Directing solid instruments allows targeted therapeutic application where needed. Benefits of Graston technique include:

  • Breaks down scar tissue adhesions caused by injury 
  • Restores normal movement patterns
  • Increases blood flow and circulation
  • Reduces muscle and joint pain 
  • Speeds recovery from strains, sprains or tears

The Graston technique is extremely effective for resolving scar tissue problems underlying pain and mobility restrictions. If you wonder where you can get “Graston Technique near me” then the expert physical therapists at FYZICAL Berkeley Heights customize treatment to maximize and accelerate your healing and recovery.

Is the Graston Technique New?

The concept of cross fiber treatment is grounded in the works of English orthopedist James Cyriax. The use of Graston Technique® instruments and protocol is new.

Treating Acute and Chronic Conditions

The Graston Technique® instruments, while enhancing the clinician's ability to detect fascial adhesions and restrictions, have been clinically proven to achieve quicker and better outcomes in treating both acute and chronic conditions, including:

Graston Technique® is used by nearly 7,500 clinicians worldwide—including athletic trainers, chiropractors, hand therapists, occupational and physical therapists.

GT is used at some 825 out-patient facilities and industrial on-sites, by more than 125 professional and amateur sports organizations, and is part of the curriculum at 32 respected colleges and universities.

Only clinicians who have been trained and accredited in the Graston Technique® Basic Training course are qualified to obtain the Graston Technique® instruments and apply the technique to treat patients. (Note: This establishes your uniqueness.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about how the Graston technique works? Here we answer common questions patients have about this safe, effective physical therapy Graston technique:

What does Graston Technique do?

Graston Technique Berkeley Heights dismantles adhesions of scar tissue and eradicates restrictions within muscles and connective tissue. This results in diminished swelling, reinstated proper alignment, and enhanced mobility.

What are the side effects of Graston Technique?

When properly performed, there are no negative side effects. You may experience mild soreness for 24-48 hrs after treatment as part of the healing response, like a workout. 

Is Graston better than massage?

Graston technique achieves therapeutic benefits faster than massage alone. The technique precision targets tissues and applies appropriate pressure where needed.

Is Graston Therapy Painful?  

You should not feel pain during Graston treatment. Pressure will be adjusted based on your feedback, and it will be mildly uncomfortable at most. Significant pain indicates improper technique.

We are available outside normal business hours, including weekends.