Osteoarthritis of the Wrist Joint

» Wrist
» Osteoarthritis of the Wrist Joint


Physical Therapy in Hazle Township for Wrist

Welcome to FYZICAL Hazleton's patient resource about Osteoarthritis of the Wrist Joint.

Degeneration in a joint means the joint surfaces are starting to break down over time. The term degenerative arthritis is used by doctors to describe a condition where a joint wears out, usually over a period of many years. Some medical professionals call the condition osteoarthritis. Others use the term degenerative arthrosis. They prefer arthrosis because the term arthritis means inflammation. Degeneration by itself doesn't always cause inflammation in the tissues of the joint. Still, these terms are generally used to mean the same thing.

This document will help you understand:

  • how osteoarthritis of the wrist develops
  • what your doctor will do to diagnose it
  • what can be done to ease the pain and regain wrist movement