» Concussion Management

Concussion Management

Concussion Management in Katy, TX

Concussion Management in Katy, TX

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow or bump or blow to or near the head. But it can certainly also be caused by a subtle, sharp jolt, like in a whiplash injury. While sometimes concussion symptoms may seem minor or not show up for some time after the impact, concussions are very serious and sometimes have long-lasting effects. It is absolutely essential that a concussion be considered seriously by players, parents, coaches, and medical professionals. 

The patient needs to get extra rest in the first couple of days after a concussion. But concussion management therapy is vital to reduce short-term symptoms and lessen the risk of long-term issues. 

Concussion Symptoms

Symptoms of concussion can be quite varied, depending on the nature of your injury, as well as your age and gender. Some problems for which people seek physical therapy for concussions include:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Ongoing headaches
  • Irritability
  • Loss of balance and frequent falls
  • Dizziness and lowered blood pressure
  • Muscle weakness and spasms
  • Eye pain and/or eye fatigue
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Imbalance, dropping things
  • Lack of depth perception
  • Sudden loss of menstruation
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Feeling foggy or brain fog
  • Bumping into things
  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • Confusion
  • Feeling “off” or “down”

What to Expect in a Concussion Program 

After a concussion injury, you may experience various symptoms, such as headaches or migraines, neck pain or weakness, dizziness, nausea, balance problems, blurred vision, trouble walking, feeling or behaving more emotionally, concentration issues, confusion, unexplained irritability, and many more.

Because there are so many possible symptoms, it is critical you receive customized treatment. At FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers, Concussion Management in Katy, TX, rehabilitation is always tailored for each patient. Here are some of the treatments your physical therapist may recommend in your concussion program. 

  • Exercise therapy that improves the blood flow to your head and neck to speed recovery
  • Hands-on manual therapy that quickly reduces symptoms caused by neck trauma like visual problems, headaches, and balance issues
  • Visual rehabilitation helps reduce visual abnormalities and helps improve memory and concentration 
  • Education informs patients about what is typical for their injury and what to expect as they recover

Physical therapy programs for concussion often build in vestibular therapy, which helps you orient yourself during periods of lightheadedness or loss of balance. Exercises such as fixing your gaze at a certain point in the distance, or using simple movements to stabilize your core and limbs, are invaluable during such moments.

How can FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers Help?

The natural fatigue and required resting that early concussion recovery entails often results in weakened muscles and lowered endurance. To combat that, your physical therapist at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers - Cinco Ranch East will customize a strength-building program for you, as well as guide you through aerobic moves that help you regain that endurance. 

Contact FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers - Cinco Ranch East, for an assessment by a concussions specialist and more information about concussion management programs. 

Concussion Management FAQs 

What is the best management of concussion?

Concussion management is highly individual, so your physical therapist will complete a thorough assessment before recommending a customized program. Most concussion management programs combine several therapies and treatment modalities, including manual therapy, neck injury rehab, exercise, diet and nutritional changes, patient education, vision therapy and vestibular therapy.

What are the 3 R’s in concussion care?

The R’s for concussion management are:

Recognize concussion symptoms. 

Remove the patient from the situation (in sports, the player from the game.)

Recover with physical therapy and a gradual return program. 

Many medical professionals add a 4th R in concussion care.

Return to activities after 21 days with medical clearance.

What is the typical treatment plan for a concussion?

Physical therapy treatment plans after a concussion vary for each individual depending on specific symptoms, the cause of the concussion, and the patient’s general health. For dizziness or balance problems, vestibular physical therapy may help. Additional treatments for neck injury and vision therapy are often very helpful in both the short and long term.