Concussion Baseline Testing

» Concussion Baseline Testing

Concussion Management

FYZICAL takes a comprehensive approach to the evaluation and management of Concussions. From initial pre-season baseline testing to concussion treatment and rehabilitation, our Doctors of Physical Therapy work closely with your primary care provider in order to safely return the athlete to play and learn. Our facility's Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) allows objective Concussion balance testing in order to diagnose underlying sensory balance deficits that contribute to Concussion symptoms. Many clients suffer from Visual Sensitivity after a concussion which our Doctors of Physical Therapy treat with Visual habituation training in our Bertec CDP machine. 

What is a concussion?

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) caused by injury to the trunk or head. The impact causes a biochemical imbalance within the brain cells, resulting in decreased blood flow and temporary energy deficits within the brain. Symptoms of concussion may include loss of consciousness, headache, pressure in the head, neck pain, nausea or vomiting, visual sensitivity, dizziness, or balance problems. Intervention for these symptoms is key. 

Concussion Baseline Testing

We now offer comprehensive Concussion Baseline Testing at FYZICAL. Baseline testing is a series of physical and cognitive tests that provides a pre-injury snapshot of the athelte's function. These tests allow our clinicans to better evaluate the symptoms of a concussion and determine safe return to play plan of care. FYZICAL uses ImPACT cognitive testing which is done using a computer. The balance testing is done using our computerized dynamic posturography equipment which allows a more objective assessment of the athelete's balance compared to the standard tests done on the sideline. 

A baseline test takes about 40 minutes per patient and the reasearhc recommends that Baseline testing be performed annualy.