Weekend Yoga

» Weekend Yoga

Gentle Yoga Awareness Workshop

Embark your Yoga Journey with Fyzical Plainfield

Set forth on your wellness voyage with Fyzical Plainfield! Explore the profound influences of yoga on your physical, mental, and emotional realms by reserving a free yoga class with us today. 

We have organized a "Gentle Yoga Awareness Workshop" on every Saturday at 8 am in Bolingbrook and every Sunday at 8 am at Plainfield at no charge at all. We assure you a remarkable yoga experience that will surpass your anticipations. 

 Sign Up Now for a Free Yoga Class! 

Yoga: A Powerful Unifier of Mind, Body, and Spirit for All-round Wellness

Yoga, a practice with thousands of years of history, seamlessly integrates the mind, body, and spirit. Embracing yoga poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation, Yoga Therapy is not just a physical workout; it's a comprehensive approach to overall well-being.

Health Advantages of Yoga

Yoga is a holistic wellness discipline with extensive impacts on physical and mental health. Let's delve into the known benefits of yoga, exploring its influences on different facets of our health:

  • Improved Flexibility and Posture: Consistent yoga practice gradually loosens tight muscles, enhancing flexibility. It also promotes proper alignment, leading to better posture. This aids in regular activities, reduces the risk of injuries, and fights against the discomforts associated with poor posture. 
  • Increased Muscle Strength and Tone: Yoga poses engage multiple muscle groups, fostering strength and muscle tone. Regular practice leads to stronger, more defined muscles and enhances muscle endurance, facilitating daily tasks. 
  • Enhanced Respiratory and Cardiovascular Health: The deep, controlled breathing exercises in yoga enhance lung capacity and oxygen flow in the body. Regular practice can reduce resting heart rate, boost endurance, and improve oxygen uptake during exercise, contributing to improved cardiovascular health. 
  • Pain Management: Yoga can serve as a potent tool for managing pain, particularly chronic back pain. Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises in yoga can alleviate muscle tension and promote spinal alignment, easing pain over time. 
  • Stress Reduction and Mental Clarity: The blend of mindful movements, focused breathing, and meditation in yoga helps to calm the mind, alleviate stress, and enhance mental clarity. Regular practice leads to improved concentration, better sleep, and a more positive mood. 
  • Improved Digestion: Certain yoga poses stimulate the digestive organs, improving their function and potentially assisting with conditions such as constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. 
  • Enhanced Immune Function: Yoga reduces stress hormones that compromise the immune system, while stimulating the lymphatic system to expel toxins from the body, thereby strengthening your disease-fighting capabilities. 
  • Increased Energy: A few minutes of yoga every day offer the secret to feeling fresh and energetic even after a long day. The combination of body postures and breathing exercises can boost both your physical and mental energy levels. 
  • Emotional Balance: Yoga includes meditative practices that induce a sense of inner calm and balance. This can help regulate emotional fluctuations and cultivate a more peaceful, content state of mind. 
  • Mindfulness and Self-awareness: By focusing on the present moment, yoga helps cultivate mindfulness. This enhanced self-awareness can lead to better recognition of physical and emotional sensations, helping to ward off stress and anxiety before they escalate. 
  • Enhanced Focus and Memory: Yoga enhances blood circulation to the brain, aiding in improving memory and cognitive function. Meditation and breathing exercises also help improve focus and concentration. 

In essence, the multifaceted discipline of yoga offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, encompassing the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions of human experience. Its benefits are extensive and all-encompassing, making it an excellent addition to any lifestyle.

 Register Now for Your Complimentary Yoga AwakeningCall on - 630-444-7353 

Yoga and Physical Therapy: A Healing Collaboration

Yoga and physical therapy form a powerful synergistic alliance, leveraging their combined benefits to boost overall wellness. Physical therapy emphasizes specific, targeted exercises for the rehabilitation and strengthening of particular areas. Yoga, on the other hand, takes a holistic approach, fostering well-being across the mind, body, and spirit.

The gentle movements, breathwork, and mindfulness nurtured in yoga perfectly complement physical therapy. They work to enhance flexibility, induce relaxation, mitigate stress, and increase body awareness. However, it's crucial to remember that while yoga offers a myriad of health benefits, it is not a substitute for physical therapy but rather serves as an exceptional supplement.

The union of yoga and physical therapy paves a more comprehensive path towards healing. This collaboration enables individuals to experience a more balanced and harmonious recovery journey. For instance, the benefits of Yoga for chronic low back pain have been extensively documented, demonstrating how yoga can supplement the effectiveness of physical therapy, especially in pain management."

Our Gentle Yoga Offering 

Creating Balance with Gentle Yoga at Fyzical Plainfield

At Fyzical Plainfield, our specialty lies in the practice of gentle yoga - an exquisite synergy of mindful movements and serene, intentional breathwork designed to align the body, mind, and spirit.

Our gentle yoga focuses on 'Hatha Yoga', a time-honored discipline that embodies balance. Its name originates from the Sanskrit words 'ha', meaning sun, and 'tha', meaning moon. Hatha Yoga aims to merge these contrasting energies within us - the fiery, active sun energy and the cool, passive moon energy.

Hatha Yoga comprises several elements that work together to offer a holistic wellness experience:

  • Asanas: These are the yoga poses that aid in enhancing flexibility, strength, balance, and posture. The asanas in gentle Hatha Yoga are usually slow-paced and held for an extended period, allowing for a deep stretch and mindful movement. 
  • Pranayama: These are the breathing exercises that help enhance respiratory health, soothe the nervous system, and induce mental clarity. In Hatha Yoga, the emphasis on pranayama is prominent, reinforcing the mind-body connection. 
  • Visualization: Visualization techniques in Hatha Yoga promote mindfulness, reduce stress, and deepen the meditative state. The beauty of Hatha Yoga lies in its accessibility. It's an ideal choice for beginners due to its slower pace and focus on foundational and relaxing postures, but it's also deeply rewarding for seasoned practitioners who seek a mindful, tranquil practice.

Experience the revitalizing power of gentle yoga at Fyzical Plainfield. Whether you're embarking on your wellness journey or looking to deepen your existing practice, our Hatha Yoga sessions provide a nourishing environment for exploration, growth, and tranquility.

 Sign Up Now for a Free Yoga Class! 

About our Yoga Instructor 

Our certified instructor, Bernie Rybarczyk, Jr., brings a wealth of knowledge and over 7 years of teaching experience in various styles of yoga, including Hatha Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Chair Yoga for seniors. Bernie has been recognized as one of the top 10 in the country in Lifetime's yoga program for class attendance & participation. His expertise in prenatal yoga and specialized Yoga for Kids makes our center a welcoming space for everyone, from expecting mothers to young yoga enthusiasts.

Who Can Attend Our Yoga?

Yoga for All

Our yoga classes are open to all! They are not only suitable for individuals in the 40+ age group looking for a gentler, enjoyable form of yoga but also for younger individuals from ages 13-40 eager to incorporate yoga into their lifestyle. This is truly "Yoga for all."

Yoga Classes We Offer

Our exclusive “Weekend Yoga” sessions are planned to run on both Saturday and Sundays during morning time and afternoon/evening time

How Can You Start Your Yoga Journey?

Your journey to health and wellness begins here at Fyzical Plainfield! Schedule a free Yoga class and uncover the transformative power of yoga for your body, mind, and spirit. Remember, this isn't just about yoga fitness; it's a holistic yoga experience for all. We're here to guide you through every breath, stretch, and pose.

 Schedule your first Yoga class at no cost today 

 Register for MY Complimentary Class 


  • How can yoga transform my life?

Here at Fyzical Plainfield, we firmly believe that yoga has the power to bring about significant transformations in one's life. The practice of yoga delivers a multitude of benefits that span physical, mental, and emotional domains. It teaches mindfulness and helps in combating stress and anxiety, fostering a sense of inner tranquility. Physically, it augments flexibility, enhances strength, and improves posture, thereby contributing to overall well-being. The combination of controlled breathing and deliberate body movements can lead to heightened focus and emotional resilience.

  • What can I gain from daily yoga practice?

In our center, we advocate for daily yoga practice due to its countless benefits. Here are ten advantages that come with consistent yoga practice:

  • Increased flexibility and balance
  • Enhanced muscular strength and stamina
  • Improved respiratory function
  • Heightened mental clarity and concentration
  • Lowered stress levels
  • Boosted energy and vitality
  • Aid in weight management
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Enhanced performance in athletics
  • Strengthened defense against injuries
  • What are the advantages of merging yoga and physical therapy?

Integrating yoga with physical therapy here at Fyzical Plainfield provides a comprehensive approach to healing and recuperation. Yoga amplifies the physical gains from therapy, such as improved strength, flexibility, and equilibrium, while also advocating for mindfulness and stress reduction. It supports the therapeutic process by assisting patients in reconnecting with their bodies, lowering pain perception, and speeding up the healing process.

  • Is it safe to engage in yoga during my physical therapy?

Indeed, it is generally safe to engage in yoga while undergoing physical therapy at Fyzical Plainfield. The safety and effectiveness, however, vary based on each person's specific situation and the yoga style in practice. Our expert therapists will work closely with you to create a yoga routine that complements your ongoing therapy, ensuring it doesn't compromise your safety or exacerbate any pre-existing conditions.

  • Are your yoga programs also designed for physical therapy patients?

Yes, Our yoga programs are designed for physical therapy patients as well. These programs aim to aid recovery by promoting flexibility, strength, and balance, while also incorporating mindful breathing exercises to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Our therapists tailor these programs to the specific needs and therapeutic goals of the class participents.

  • Can members attend virtually?

Yes, you can attend our sessions through zoom also if you can not make it in person for some reason.

You will be sent a unique zoom link that you can join and see your Yoga instructor taking a class. You can join the class, perform Yoga and also seek help if required.