Should I Treat My Dizziness at Home?

» Should I Treat My Dizziness at Home?

The internet is a plethora of information. However, it does not replace our medical providers. It can be useful to learn about conditions and seek out quick medical advice. Yet, the internet does not know you, your symptoms, or your medical history. We advise AGAINST using internet exercises to treat your dizziness at home. There is not a magic "fix-all."

Numerous causes of dizziness exist and often, there is more than one cause for patients. We recommend that you see a vestibular trained provider with experience in treating dizziness and imbalance. At FYZICAL®, we often give our patients home exercises to do on their own to aid their treatment. However, these are individualized for each patient's needs after they have been evaluated. Our Vestibular Physical Therapists at FYZICAL® will complete a full evaluation to assess and develop a treatment plan designed for YOUR symptoms. 

Did you know?

  • Many of the exercises availble online are generic and NOT SPECIFIC for your issues
  • Often, they are habituation exercises to get you used to symptoms, but not fix the problem 
  • Doing home exericses without a proper vestibular evaluation can delay and possibly complicate your recovery

Want to get better quickly? Don't hesitate and call (270) 240-2246 and ask about FYZICAL®. They will set you up with trained and experienced professionals at FYZICAL® for a full evalution. FYZICAL® Dizziness and Fall Prevention Centers is dedicated to helping our patients recover quickly, thoroughly, and as best as possible. Please, contact us if you have any questions.